
I am a part of a wonderful group of guys who meet online once a week. This week during our time together I had a realization about how we react to sin. We were talking about who or what we blame after we sin. The enemy lies to us before we sin, he is the father of all lies as scripture says. 

What is a testimony? We share these during Christian gatherings. Maybe we share them with strangers as a way to share the gospel. So, What are they? Why are they special? How do I share my Testimony. I hope to answer these questions in the following paragraphs.

If you walk up to the average American, church goer or not, and ask the question: How are you doing? The main response you will receive is: “I’m busy man”. This response is given because we don’t want to really open-up to people and “I’m busy” is a true statement about us. We as Americans are addicted to busyness. Why is this?