What is a Testimony?


What is a testimony? We share these during Christian gatherings. Maybe we share them with strangers as a way to share the gospel. So, What are they? Why are they special? How do I share my Testimony. I hope to answer these questions in the following paragraphs.

I work at a camp where we share our testimonies to get to know each other, but is that the only goal? I used testimonies on my cross country team to grow us closer together and I gave this short devotion before we shared to give a background on what scripturally we see Testimonies used for.

What is a testimony?

Here is a quick definition I came up with. Your, beautifully perfect, redemptive life story that gives glory to God and encouragement to his people. Let’s break that down phrase by phrase to see what a testimony is.


This is your story. No one has the same story as you. We serve a glorious creator who likes to create unique things. Isaiah 64:8 “Yet you, LORD are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; We are all the work of your hand.” Each piece of pottery is unique. The animals are another example. Look at nature and see how many unique species there are. God delights in creating, and he delights in uniqueness. Our God cares about the little things. He is in control of the ants, and the wind. He cares about every small detail about you.

Beautifully Perfect

Perfect? My testimony is not perfect. That's what you might be thinking. However, does God make mistakes? Is He not sovereign over all the earth and over our lives.(Ephesians 1:11; Colossians 1:16-17) Did he not plan our lives from the beginning?(Ephesians 1:4) Is not one of the most quoted verses Jeremiah 29:11? “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD…”. Our Testimony is perfect not that we are perfect, but our story is exactly how God planned it to be and that makes it beautiful. God made us in his resplendent image. Our story is a reflection of his beauty. 

Redemptive Life Story

Here is where it all comes together. Your Testimony at its core is not about you. Your Testimony is about how Christ saved a wretched sinner doomed to drown in their sin. I think of Paul’s conversion in Acts 9. We see the power of the Gospel because we know who Saul was. Your Testimony shows the beauty of the Gospel. It shows the mercy of God, the faithfulness of God. It shows the beauty of the cross. Your Testimony is not just your life story. It’s the story of how God himself came to rescue you.

Why do we share?

Let’s continue the definition:

That Gives Glory to God

We share our testimony to give glory to the one who deserves all praise. If our testimony is about the cross’ redemptive story, then our testimony should point to that moment in history where the love of God was on full display. It’s not about us, it’s about Him. Remember your testimony is perfect because God planned it, so give the creator credit for his story. The same way Paul does in Galatians 1:16.

And Encouragement to His People

The other reason we share our testimony is to encourage our brothers and sisters. Just because your story is unique doesn’t mean that no one else struggles with the same sin. The enemy is crafty, but not creative. He uses the same tricks on people. So, let’s encourage those who are being tempted the same way we were tempted. Let us come together to fight the enemy because we can fight him alone. When we bring our vulnerabilities to others, it allows God to take those weaknesses for us.(Hebrews 3:13)


That’s it. That's your testimony. Your, beautifully perfect, redemptive life story that gives glory to God and encouragement to his people. Let me lave you with a few things I hear people say that are their concerns. 

My Testimony is Boring

Is God boring? Are we all the same? God gave you your testimony for a reason. Your testimony will encourage different people then mine will. Your Testimony is beautiful and perfect. It is not boring.

I’m Scared of Sharing/Vulnerability

Of course you are. The enemy doesn't want us to share our true testimonies because they give glory to God and take away some of the enemy’s power. Friend, hear this, when you share your true testimony you will feel freedom from your sin and you will feel the mercy of God in a whole new way. Take a step of faith and be vulnerable.

Closing Thoughts

Think about why you are sharing your testimony. Is it to share your life story? Or is it to glorify God? Is it to get to know someone? Or is it to encourage others? Share your life story, but don't call it a testimony unless you are confident it is a testimony. How do you write your testimony? Pray and let the Spirit guide you. Explain who you truly are without Christ so that the power of the gospel can be seen at its fullest.